Rotary Club of Dhaka North East


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In the Rotary year 1986-87 Rotary Club of Dhaka North under the clarion call of the then District Governor Rtn. Dr. M. Moniruzzaman who belongs to the same club decided to sponsor a new club to fill in the vacuum of North Eastern area of Dhaka City. President A.K.M. Rafiqul Islam of Dhaka North accordingly invited comparatively younger professionals and first organizational meeting was held on 1st March 1987, which was followed by a number of meetings.

Rotary Club of Dhaka North and Rtn. DG Dr. M. Moniruzzaman requested Rtn. Magfur Uddin Ahamed of Rotary Club of Dhaka North to take-up the leadership for the formation of the club. On the 6th April' 87 the club elected new Board and Rtn. Magfur Uddin Ahamed as the founder President. DG. Dr. M. Moniruzzaman declared the Club as provisional Club of the District-3280. 

April and May were the hectic organizational period of the Club under the leadership of President Rtn. Magfur, patronized and supported by Governor's Special Representative Rtn. PP Sayed Mohsin Ali, Dist. Secretary Rtn. PP M. Reza, President A.K.M. Rafiqul Islam and President Elect A.S.M. Rezaur Rahman of Dhaka North. 

Documents for charter sent to R.I. on 3rd June 1987. Within 12 days of submission club achieved the charter issued by the R.I. President MAT Caparas. The charter was presented by DG Dr. M. Moniruzzaman on 28th June 1987 in an impressive ceremonial function graced by Chief Guest Janab Anwar Zahid, Hon'ble Minister for Infonnation, Govt. of the People's Republic of Bangladesh and blessed by Rotary leaders and elites.


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In the Rotary Year 1987-88 under the Presidency of Rtn. Magfur Uddin Ahamed the club undertook organizational and service activities. A distant village Khatehara, Narsingdi was adopted for multi sectorial development of sanitation, income generation, health, education and preservation of congenial environments. Rotary Village Corp (RVC) the latest edition of Rotary Service organization was formed in the village for augmenting development in the village. The Club organized and sponsored Rotaract Club of Dhaka North East for developing service leadership amongst the new generation.


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Due to unanimous request of the club members President Rtn. Magfur had to continue for the 3rd term. Vigorous relief and rehabilitation program were undertaken with the combined effort of Rotaractors, RYC members and ladies of Rotary during the devastating flood of 1988. The Club First Lady Sayeda Nasrin Ahamed offered admirable service to the relief work. There were joint Club Projects with other Clubs. The Club First Lady Sayeda Nasrin was awarded District recognition for her selfless service to the flood victim. The Club also received award from the District for rendering services to the marooned people. The Club sponsored Zonal Workshop of the District on WCS, 3H and Polio Plus. The Club singularly hosted the District Assembly registering highest number of Rotarian Participants at that time.


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Under the Presidency of Rtn. Iftekhar Hossain, PHSM the Club consolidated its re-organizational matters, strengthened fellowship and expanded service projects. Rotaract Club of Kadamtala the 2nd Rotaract Club was formed by the Club. Interact Club of Kadamtala was formed in this year for attending new generation development. 


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Under the leadership of Rtn. Hashmat Ali, PHSM the Club achieved greater height of the service performances. Sponsored Rotary Club of Narshingdi, as the area had no Rotary Club.


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Rtn. President Farid Ahmed Chowdhury further enhanced the image of the Club. Proposed candidature of DG Nominee. Rtn. PP Magfur Uddin Ahamed was elected DGN for the year 1993-94. Our sponsored Rotaract Club of Dhaka North East also got their Rotaract Club candidate Rtr. PP Mojibur Rahman elected as DRR for 1992-93. The Rotary Club of Jahangirnagar Dhaka was sponsored in this year by our Club, Rotary Club of Dhaka North East. DGN Magfur and his spouse Sayeda Nasrin with the members of their family attended R.I. Convention in Orlando.


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Rtn. President Abul Fazal Mohammad Alamgir consolidated and strengthened the Club activities and continued the ongoing service projects. In his tenure the Khatehara RVC activities was expanded for multi-sectorial developments, which included (i) Primary School Project (ii) Fresh Water supply project (iii) Tin shed housing project and (iv) Cattle & Goat project.


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Rtn. Ali Ahmed Khan, PHSM strengthened all the service projects of the club and devoted special attention for launching fellowship within and outside the Club. Even now his fellowship activities are remembered by all sections of Rotarians, Rotaractors and the family of Rotary. DG Magfur attended R.I. convention in Taipei.


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Rtn. President M.M. Joynal Abedin lent his special attention towards attendance and membership development of the Club. He is remembered for his dedicated activities to make the Club lively and more service oriented.


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Rtn. President S.M. Hossain Shahi dedicated to the ongoing service projects of the club at a very difficult time of the Nation. He met with serious accident due to which the activities of the Club could not get necessary speed.


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Rtn. President Engr. Reazul Islam Rezu pulled up the Club attendance, Membership development, fellowship activities and strengthened all multi-sectoral service project of the Club. Taken up a new health and hygiene project in a slum area of Mohammadpur, Dhaka. The club proposed Rtn. PDG Magfur to represent the District to the Council on Legislation. Rtn. PDG Magfur was elected as the Representative of the District to Council on Legislation for the year 1998-2000. POG Magfur also awarded Citation for Meritorious Service of the Rotary Foundation of Rotary International. For his continued exemplary contribution to the cause of Rotary service PDG Magfur was awarded Service Above Self award by the Rotary International. PDG Magfur attended R.I. convention in Glasgow with the members of his family.


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During the year 1997-98 President Rtn. Golam Shahabuddin Salam pulled up the activities of the Club at a high position. The Club pulled up attendance, membership development, extension etc. The Club sponsored Rotary Club of Banani Dhaka during his tenure the Club organized community service activities in various fields throughout the whole year. Rotary International granted the highest citation award for the recognition of the Club Projects under the dynamic leadership of Rtn. Salam, PDG Magfur attended Council on Legislation of the R.I. During the year the Club donated an ever-highest contribution to the Rotary Foundation of R.I.


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Rtn. President Khurshid Ahmed Khan strengthened all avenues of services of the club and under his dynamic leadership the club improved the membership development and fellowship activities. Club participated in different occasions of the District Rotary. PDG Magfur was nominated by the club to represent our R. l. District 3280 to the nominating committee of R.I. Director for R. l. Zone-6 and was elected unanimously. PDG Magfur attended R. l. convention in Singapore.


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Rtn. President Kamrul Hasan Ranju as millennium President took various Projects in our different avenues of services. During his tenure club set up RCC Mandia, Tangail and took programs on community service activities in various fields. Our sponsoring  Rotaract Club of Kadamtala Dhaka got their Candidate Rtr. PP Mohammad Nurul Quader Noor, elected as District Rotaract Representative (DRR) for the year.


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PDG Magfur attended meeting of the nominating committee of R.I. Director for R.I. Zone-6.2000-2001 Rtn. President A.Z.M. Saleh took over various service projects during his tenure. RCC Mandia at Tangail became fully active and lively during this year. The club fellowship activities were strengthened.


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Rtn. Syed Jafar Sohail took over charge as President but unfortunately had to leave for USA. Rtn. PP M.M. Joynal Abedin took over as President and very ably strengthened various activities of the club. As many as twelve member were inducted during the year. Rtn. Yehia Shohel Secretary of the Club and Rtn. Md. Fakhrul Alam Miah attende the Rotary International Convention at Barcelona, Spain.


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Rtn. President Md. Mansur Alam, PHSM pulled up the Club in club attendance and fellowship activities. Under his dynamic leadership club had various activities in all the four avenues of Rotary. During this year club donated highest contribution towards Rotary Foundation. Club had Matching Grant Project with Rotary Club of Osaka Yodogawa, Japan R.I District 2660 for an amount US$ 13,378 to provide furnishings and medical equipment to Telgue Clinic at Syadabad, Dhaka. Rtn. PDG Magfur Uddin Ahamed, PHF,B,MC and Rtn. Md. Fakhrul Alam Miah attended Rotary International Convention at Brisbane, Australia.


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Rtn. President Md.Shahabuddin continued very ably the club activities. During his tenure, the club activities strengthened, increased Fellowship. By the dynamic leadership of Rtn. Md. Shahab Uddin, this year the club achieved First prize for excellent perfonnance in "Education : Adult Literacy", received the Running Shjield - "JULMAT ALl KHAN-ROQUIA KHAN MEMORIAL SHIELD" for Education of under privileged adults, selected for "2003-04 Presidential Citation to Lend a Hand" in recognition of clubs commitment to alleviate poverty and promote peace. The club has taken a long time program for paying all the educational expenses of 4(four) under privileged girl students (from Class-VI to X). The club took various projects such as -"Adult Literacy Project" at Gouripur, Comilla, "Tree Plantation Program" etc. The club arranged Program for distribution of "Food & cash money" at Monga affected area, Dinajpur, Nilphamari, Kurigram, Thakurgaon and Lalmonirhat also distributed warm clothes among the needy people of the District Sirajgonj, Panchaghar, Dinajpur and Kurigram.  A crest awarded to PDG Magfur Uddin Ahamed, PHF,B,MC, for his excellent contribution to the service of Rotary in 2003-04. Rtn. Md. Hashmat Ali PHF Deputy Governor of the District also was awrarded a crest for his outstanding contribution to the service of Rotary. PDG Magfur Uddin Ahamed PHF, B, MC attended the conference of R.I. District 3400, Indonesia as R.l. Presidents Representative Jonathan B. Majiyagbe.

2004-2005 : Centennial Year

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The spirit of Rotary got rejuvenation in the Club at the 100th year of Rotary International under the leadership of the Centennial President Rtn. AKM AbdulHakim that lead tocommendable achievements recognized with honor by the Rotary District 3280. These achievements secured several awards including a trophy which will remain as milestones in the records of the Rotary Club of Dhaka North East. The highlights of activities standing out with success are the community service, extending material help in cash and kind to the poor and victims of flood in 2004, literacy and weekly bulletin photostat. 

During the time of the devastating flood in September 2004 the Club distributed fertilizer to 61 poor farmers in Narsingdi, and to 125 poor farmers in Tarail, Kishoreganj. Also, the Club donated one tin shed in Tarail to a shelter-less family and one tin shed to a destitute family in Gouripur, Comilla. During 2004-2005 the Club distributed food and money among Monga affected people in Kurigram, Lalmonirhat and Dinajpur. Winter clothing among needy people was distributed in Sirajganj, Rangpur, Dinajpur, and Kurigram. The Club provided financial support, in collaboration with the Bashaboo Friends Association, Dhaka for weekly free medical service on Fridays to poor slum people in Bashaboo, Dhaka, supplemented with monthly voluntary service by cardiologist Prof. M. M. Jamaluddin. 

The Club provided the full education expenses for 4 students, through voluntary contribution given by Rtn. Kamal-ul-Alam for one student, Rtn. Iftekhar Hossain for one student and Rtn. Dr. Jasim Uddin Ahmed for two students at BMIS. Also, on primary literacy, two teachers of a primary school at Bashaboo in a poor area are paid salaries on continuing basis. The adult literacy project, initiated in 2003, at Gouripur, Comilla from the Club's own funding was completed with laudable success; a similar new adult literacy project was started at the Wazuddin Foundation Complex,  Galiar Char, Comilla. Tree plantation program was continued as planned. The "fellowship within the Club was  ornamented with the enjoyable annual picnic and annual family night, Board meetings and weekly meeting honour and pride shined for the Club by "The Rotary Foundation Distinguished Service Award" for 2004 - 2005 given to PDG Magfur Uddin Ahamed by Rl, the charter president of the club. The Members of the club who are selected to serve the District in the District Organization 2004-2005. They are Rtn. PP A.F.M. Alamgir, Advisor, District Finance Committee and Member-Secretary, Combat Hunger Project., Rtn. PP Md. Mansur Alam, Assistant Governor, Area-14, Rtn. PP Md. Shahabuddin Joint District Secretary, Rtn. PP. M M Joynal Abedin, Chairman Legal Aid, Rtn. PP. Reazul lslam Rezu, Coordinator Vocational Service and Rtn. IPP. A K M Abdul Hakim ,Co-ordinator International ServiceArea- 19. PDG Magfur Uddin Ahamed attended Rotary International Centennial Convention and Clebration held in the city of Chicago, USA.


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This was the beginning of second century of service of Rotary and under the leadership of Rtn. President Kamal-Ul-Alam the Club set an example of how motivation, cooperation and relentless efforts of the members can successfully carry the Club to achieve its goal of rendering various services to the society. 

Dr. Jahangir Hossain, Team Leader CARE Bangladesh was the guest speaker on Bird Flu. Vocational Award was offered to Mr. Md. Rokon-Ud-Doula, Metropolitan Magistrate, for his outstanding efforts to curb and detect food adulteration. DG Rtn. Salim Reza graced the occasion. Taka 10,000 was contributed to Monga affected people in Lalmonirhat in collaboration with RC Kurigram and winter clothing was distributed in Rangpur, Dinajpur and Kurigram. Taka 10,000 was also  contributed to the District for the earthquake victims of Pakistan.

The Adult Literacy Program in Galiarchar, Gouripur, Comilla was successfully completed in the middle of 2006. Financial help was provided for education expenses of two poor girl students from Kamalapur High School and College two from Shahid Faruque Iqbal Girls High School, Malibag.

The support to four visually impaired meritorious girl students of Baptist Mission Integrated School. Mirpur and teachers salary to the non-formal primary school for the 150 under-privileged children in collaboration with Bashabo Friends Association continued.

As in previous years one regular weekly meeting was merged in the Iftar with about 150 orphans of Khilgaon Jame Masjid and Yatim Khana.

A joint meeting with Rotaract Club of Dhaka North East and Interact Club of Dhaka North East arranged where Rtr. Mohammad Monirul Haque and Int. Mustafa Al Atiq presided the meeting as president DG Rtn. Salim Reza PHF,B,MC was present as Chief Guest.


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Rtn. President Aminur Rahman Chowdhury continued the support to four visually impaired meritorious girl students of Baptist Mission Integrated School. Mirpur and teachers salary to the non-formal primary school for the 150 under-privileged children in collaboration with Bashabo Friends Association. 

As in previous years one regular weekly meeting was merged in the Iftar with about 150 orphans of Khilgaon Jame Masjid and Yatim Khana.

National Immunisation Day (NID) was observed as in the past. This year camps were held at our old centres (a) Bashabo Friends Association School, (b) Kadamtala High School, Bashabo, and (c) Malibag Bazar. 


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Rtn. PP Md. Shahabuddin, RFSM led the Club for the second time. The highlight for the year and a milestone for the Club was sponsoring the publication of a Braille version of the fiction ALO ANDHOKARE JAI (Light headed for dark). A launching ceremony was held in February 2008 at Dhaka Press Club. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Jafar Iqbal was the Chief Guest and the writer Anisul Hoque was the Special Guest. Baptist Mission Integrated School did the job of composing, printing, and distribution to all visually impaired institutions in Bangladesh numbering forty three. Probably this was the first in the history of Bangladesh of a Bangla fiction printed in Braille and distributed throughout the country.

A team from our Club led by PDG Magfur visited flood affected areas of Sathkhira to provide relief in cash and kind with the assistance of RC Sathkhira.

A lunch was sponsored for the under-privileged children of the Bashabo Friends Association project. A Club member was so moved that he declared a donation of Taka 1,000 for the teachers to purchase one 'Matir Bank' for the children to bring savings habit in the children from January 2008 four more visually impaired girl students of Baptist Mission Integrated School was brought under the financial support of the Club, raising the total number to eight. The additional fund was provided by Mrs. Rowshan Ara Akhter of Inner Wheel Club of Dhaka North East and Mrs. Ismat Rahman of 401/2 New Eskaton, Dhaka.

During the year Rtn. PP AFM Alamgir, PHF acted as District Treasurer and Rtn. PP Md. Mansur Alam, RFSM acted as a member of the Nominating Committee for Zone VI of District 3280 for election of DGN 2011-12.


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All projects continued under the dynamic leadership of Rtn. President Quazi ASM Anisul Kabir RFSM. The 1000th Regular Weekly Meeting was very successfully held on 8th April 2009 where the visually impaired girl students of Baptist Mission Integrated School (BMIS) sang songs. Among the guest Rotarians the District Governor made a cash donation of Taka 10,000, a Rotarian of RC Banani, specifically desiring to remain anonymous,  committed to support five students and the Assistant Governor Rtn AHM Zaker one student. Later in the year the President convinced another non-rotarian to donate Taka 100,000 for BMIS. 

At the request of the District Governor Taka 10,000 was donated for the daughter of a Lecturer in Jagannath University suffering from Thalasaemia. 

During the year Rtn. PP AFM Alamgir, PHF served as Governors Special Aide, Rtn. PP Md. Mansur Alam, RFSM as the District Conference Secretary, and Rtn. PDG Magfur Uddin Ahamed PHF,B,MC as Chairman, District Combat Hunger Project.


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Rtn. President Rtn. AKM Nizamul Islam RFSM took Various project. Our club this year considered expenses of 12 (Twelve) blind girl students of BMIS. A memorable club picnic at Rangamati Resort was arranged in this year.


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All projects continued under the dynamic leadership of Rtn. President Rafiqul Haider Chowdhury PHF. In this year the club considered expenses of 20 (Twenty) blind girl students of BMIS.


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All projects continued under the dynamic leadership of Rtn. President Nezam Uddin Ahmed RESM. In this year the club continues expenses of 20 (Twenty) blind girl students of BMIS. In this year National immunisation Day was observed in previous three comps along with a new camp. A memorable club picnic at Araihajar was arranged by the supervision of the president.


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In this year Rtn. AF Kollol RFSM run the club in under his dynamic leadership.  All projects continued under his leadership. In this year the club continues expenses of 24 (Twenty Four) blind girl students of BMIS. In this year National immunisation Day we obserbed in previous three camps along with a new camp. A memorable club picnic at Jamuna Resort was arranged by the supervision of the president.


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The year 2013-2014 was very unstable due to political unrest as well as recession in every sector throughout the year but the President Md. Badruzzaman continued the support of the ongoing project of the club specially the support of visually impaired girls students of 24 numbers at Baptist Mission Integrated School, Mirpur, and also made financial support in accounts of the teacher's salary for education to under privileged children in collaboration with Bashabo Friends Association. This year the club organized and made financial support for three joined eye project with RC Rupatoli Barishal, RC Sayedpur and at Islamia eye hospital, Dhaka. The club last year made extra curriculum like, District leadership seminar 2013, District Membership Seminar 2013, long term project. Strengthening  team efforts throughout the year and joint projects for distribution of winter clothes all over the country with several numbers of Rotary Club and Inner Wheel Club of Dhaka North East and in activity of RCC. The President have tried to put his best effort up holding these visions in activities.

In the year 2013-14, the club has lot of success : 

1) 8 members became Paul Harris Fellow, 

2) 1 members became MPHF, 

3) 2 members became Major Donner and 

4) 8 members took participation to build Rotary Centre for RI District 3281.

The club has recognized in the year 2013-14 with : 1) First Prize Net Membership Growth, 2) First Prize Membership Retention, 3) Second Prize Humanity Service Project and 4) First Prize Membership Seminar Attendance awards and certificates for the best performance as well as 3 members also recognized for their best activities.


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The year 2014-2015 was very unstable due to political unrest as well as recession in every sector throughout the year but the President Rtn Bishwajit K. Roy continued the support of the ongoing project of the club specially the support of visually impaired girls students of 24 numbers at Baptist Mission Integrated School, Mirpur, and also made financial support in accounts of the teacher's salary in collaboration with Bashaboo Friends Association. The club has also given consent to upgrade school to standard III for that monetary support has been committed to Tk.125,000/- a year for the education of under privileged Children's in collaboration with Bashaboo Friends Association.                    

Our club has published 6 (Six) Braille Books (including one Dictionary which was published for the first time in Bangladesh) for Visually Impaired Children of Baptist Mission Integrated School where approx. 80 Students are studying. In 2014-15 our Club has organized PETS-2105 for the District - 3281. That year we also donated Tk.20,000/- to Combat Hunger Project. We had also distributed Small loans amount to Tk.2,00,000/- for few Small Traders to improve their Living Standard through income generation like business, agriculture and fisheries with the help of COMBAT Hunger Project, Rotary International, Multi District 3281 and 3282. Our Club was the co-sponsor of the District Conference held in Hotel Sonargaon. Our Club also distributed warm clothes in winter in the Northern Districts amounting to Tk.1,16,000/-. In Sanitation Program our club has provided 2 (two) sanitary latrine at Bakhrabad village under Muradnagar Thana from its own fund. Also provided 9(nine) Sanitary Latrine in Pabna District with the help of Rotary District Fund. It is indeed necessary to mention here that for the first time our club has arranged an allocation of 3,000kgs. of Rice from Govt. of Bangladesh, Education under Food Program for Baptist Mission Integrated School. That year our club has donated Tk.10,000/- to Nepal Earthquake victims. Our club has also celebrated Pohela Baisakh with Visually Impaired students of Baptist Mission Integrated School. 

If we are to focus 2014-15, we can see a lot of success, like-

(1) 7 (seven) members became Paul Harris Fellow, 

(2) 1 (one) member became MPHF, and  

(3) Our club has donated USD 6500 to TRF Fund of the Rotary Foundation.

The club was recognized with 1) Best Class President Award, 2) First Prize Net Membership Growth, 3) First Prize Membership Retention and 4) First Prize for Fellowship Programs. I am not going to elaborate about all our achievements as we will get the details in Secretary's Report.


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Under the spirited leadership of President Rtn Mohammad Shahidul Bari PHF following key milestones were achieved by Rotary Club of Dhaka North East and it’s members

•  Club itself received awards in 6 categories from District Governor , while 8 members of the club were also  awarded individually by Dist. Governor Rtn SAM Showket Hossain MPHF B MC PHS. 

• On top of running efficiently our existing flagship projects at Baptist Mission Integrated School (BMIS) and Basabo Friends Association (BFA) , club started a new project at Jessore named Parveen Tailors enabling 6 women to earn livelihood for their families. 

• Through generous contributions to RI , Rtn. PP Md. Mansur Alam MPHF earned the status of Benefactor,  President Rtn. Mohammad Shahidul Bari PHF & Rtn. PP Ifterkhar Hossain PHF attained the status of MPHF  and Rtn. Razzakul Haider became an RFSM.

• Rtn. PP AFM Alamgir MPHF, B, MD chartered member of RCDNE was elected District Governor for RY 2018-19. 

• Rtn. PP, Md. Mansur Alam MPHF during the year efficiently supported the District Governor’s office as District  Secretary.

•  As club achievement means what its members achieves collectively or individually due to their contribution to society, all members of RCDNE is very proud of with one of the individual achievement of Rtn. Dr. Jasimuddin Ahmed PHF during the year. Rtn. Dr. Jashim was awarded with  prestigious nataional award “Ekushey Padak”    by Government of Peoples Republic of Bangladesh for his direct contribution in our great Language Movement of 1952 that was the first step towards birth of an Independent Nation as we are today.


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In the year Rtn. Mohammad Monirul Haque and Rtn. Dr. Jasim Uddin Ahmed PHF served the club as Club President and Honorary Secretary respectively. Under the leadership of club president all the projects run accordingly. During the year a scholarship project has been started for 21 students of Kadamtala Purbo Bashaboo School & College aiming to assist the students up to University level. Repairing of class rooms and capacity building materials donated to Baptist Mission Integrated School (BMIS). Club President served the Star President Forum as Joint Secretary during the year. Club President attended almost 55 Installation programs of different clubs, almost 72 Regular meetings of different Rotary Clubs, 13 Regular meetings of different Rotaract Clubs and Rotaract District programs and Early Act Conference. During the year the club contributed $1,500 to TRF. The club hosted District Intercity meeting jointly and held a joint meeting with Rotary Club of Dhaka Kawran Bazar. 30th Installation Ceremony organized and Professor Dr. Mahmud Hasan, President, BMA & Ex-VC, BSMMU, graced the program as Chief Guest.


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Under the able leadership of Rtn. Md.  Salim Solaiman PHF added the following key achievements that RCDNE could add to its glory & heritage during RY 17-18:

     • RCDNE was the one of the first 9 clubs of RID 3281 to achieve RI Citation without any external assistance

     • Out of 31 goals we set for us, 30 of those were exceeded 

     • Inducted 14 new members to turn RCDNE a club of half century members

     • Delivered 13 projects in 12 months

     • +625% growth in TRF contribution

     • 4 Fellowship programs of club including family of the club members


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In this year Rtn. Hosne Ara Chowdhury PHF B MD and Rtn. Muhammad Mamun Ur Rashid RFSM served the club as Club President and Honorary Secretary respectively. Under the leadership of club President all the projects run accordingly. During the year repairing of boundary wall and capacity building materials donated to Baptist Mission Integrated School (BMIS). Club President travelled all over the country with District Governor AFM Alamgir PHF B MD to join almost all the Installation programs of different clubs. During the year the club contributed $12,000 to TRF and Club President & Clubs First Gentleman become Major Donor this Year. The Club hosted District Year Launching Ceremony. 32nd Installation Ceremony organized and Professor Dr. Pran Gopal graced the program as Chief Guest.


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Rtn. Sazedul Haque Bhuian Palash and Rtn. Md Razzakul Haider started serving the club as Club President and Honorary Secretary respectively. But Rtn. Md Razzakul Haider resigned to join new club so Rtn. Engr. Kajal Kanti Chowdhury took the responsibily as Honorary Secretary upon the request of the Board. On the other hand Rtn. Sazedul Haque Bhuian Palash terminated by club board for several violations of Club Constitution, Club By Laws, RI COP & long run club practices and appointed Rtn. Yeahia Shohel as the Club President.


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This year Rtn. Akhter Jahan PHF & Rtn. Shahidul Islam served as the Club President & honorary Secretary respectively.

Most difficult year in the history of Rotary due Covid19 Pandemic in Bangladesh & all over the world. The year started with lots of uncertainty & unfavorable situation.

• No Physical Meeting 

• Outbreak of Pandemic created panic & fear

• Had to introduce Zoom meeting (new ways to conduct meeting)

• Situation become new normal, with restricted movement, Physical distancing, Wearing Mask & Sanitizing. 

With these preconditions, under the dynamic Leadership of President Rtn. Akhter Jahan PHF the following milestones were achieved during the RY 2020-2021 by challenging the all the challenges.

• Induction of 5 new members to the club

• Introduction of formal Strategic Planning  

• Supported all 4 sustainable club projects successfully, Including  District Grant project 

• Physical visit RCC Kashinathpur & distributed Swing Machine, blankets • Ahar Protidin(Meals for Underprivileged) during Covid 19 time & a number of Income generation projects were done successfully 

• For the first time, Rotary Club of Dhaka North East become All Member Contributing Club by contributing USD 5028.65, to The Rotary Foundation.

• Successful organization of Charter day & family night Celebration.

• Proper use of Social Media for promotion of Club activities & create public image.

• A number of Club members worked beyond Club Level with dignity.

• Received 18 awards from the District for recognition of outstanding activities.


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In this year Rtn. PP Yeahia Shohel run the club in under his dynamic leadership and all the permanent projects continued under his leadership. Covid19 Pandemic affected the regular procedure of the tasks. Most of the time the meetings and other works affected by COVID 19. Club Installation was held on Zoom platform where Gulam A. Vahanvaty, The Rotary Foundation, Trustee 2018-22 was the chief guest


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In the year Rtn. Engr. Kajal Kanti Chowdhury PHF and Rtn. Tofael Ahammed Shinto served the club as Club President and Honorary Secretary respectively. Under the leadership of club president following milestones were achieved: 

              • All the projects run accordingly. 

              • Induction of 4 new members to the club.

• Club Picnic organized after a long time.  

• Pitha Utshab organized at BMIS. 

• Making the Meeting enjoyable different time and venue like Breakfast meeting and Dinner meeting organized.

• Introduced comprehensive learning by our resourceful Past Presidents including 2 PDGs.

• Continued all Member Contributing Club by contributing USD 5,075, to The Rotary Foundation.  

During the year 36th Installation Ceremony was organized where Professor Syed Manzoorul Islam, PhD, Writer & Educator, graced the program as Chief Guest.